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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Resurrection Sunday, not pagan

"He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed."
-1 Peter 2:24 📖❤️
There are those who will call this day a pagan holiday and criticize Christians who celebrate this Easter Sunday as Resurrection Sunday and those who celebrate with family and friends. Why? What do you get out of it? Your ignorance doesn’t solve anything. As a Christian we believe at least in choosing days out of the year to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we believe in celebrating Christians who died for their faith in Halloween (All Saints Day), and we believe in celebrating Jesus Birth. For those who call these days pagan...did you forget the scripture in Psalms that says, “ this is the day the Lord has made I shall rejoice and be glad in it.” So with that said I will not give this day to Satan...I have no right. It’s not against scripture to have celebrations. People may have made certain days pagan for themselves, but as a Christian we can do as we please as Christians celebrating Jesus and His resurrection. 

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Carlos Jimenez was born in Reedley, California July 24, 1989, and raised in Orange Cove, California. Carlos at a young age was raised within...