About Our Team

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Anchor of Hope Ministry in Orange Cove

Dear friends of Compassion For God's People Ministry our team would like to apologize for the inconvenience of life. Unfortunately we have a small team operating the website, Facebook, and also YouTube channel, and with the busy schedules of life it becomes too difficult to run the ministry. But with all that said we are starting a new year, and with the new year beginning we are exciting for what God is going to do this next year in 2021. We will declare and prophesy that the year 2021 is the year of restoration. 

The year 2020 and even further back many of us dealt with lost, setbacks and felt like the enemy was destroying us, our family and friends relationship. But I feel God is about to restore relationships in such a way we never expected in 2021. Today on Christmas Eve we would like to present to you some pastors out of Orange Cove, California. They started their church a couple of years ago and with some obstacles that could have destroyed them, they fought the good fight  of faith and kept trusting God through it all. Even with 2020 the year of Covid 19 (the Chinese virus), they had to have services cancelled, and with a small congregation they still survived the year, well mega churches had to close their doors for good. With God on their side, WHO SHALL BE AGAINST THEM? 

We would like to share our support of Anchor of Hope Ministry and we pray that God continues to lead and guide this ministry and that God will open doors for them as God brings in the lost. If you would like to visit this church you can every Sunday Morning at 10:45AM. If you have questions or concerns, about this ministry please email us and we will get back to you in a timely manner.

God Bless You and Have a Merry Christmas

President Maria Rodrigues
Chief Editor Carlos Jimenez
Editor Brenda Bimbona


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About Our President

Carlos Jimenez was born in Reedley, California July 24, 1989, and raised in Orange Cove, California. Carlos at a young age was raised within...